Understanding Progressive Web Apps and Their Development

Have you noticed how some websites act more like apps, loading quickly, sending notifications, and even working offline? These aren’t just websites—they’re Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), a groundbreaking technology changing how businesses interact with users online.

As Progressive Web Application market size reaches USD 10.44 Billion by 2027, companies are turning to progressive web app development to stay competitive.

In this blog, we’ll explore how PWAs differ from traditional websites and apps, their key features, and the process of progressive web app development.

So, let’s get started with the basics.

What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

At first glance, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) may look like regular websites, but they offer so much more. Imagine having the ease of accessing a website combined with the functionality of a mobile app—that’s the magic of PWAs. They’re designed to provide a seamless, app-like experience, all without the need to download anything from an app store.

What sets PWAs apart is their ability to work offline, send push notifications, and load incredibly fast. For businesses, this means you can deliver a smoother user experience, even in areas with poor connectivity. It’s like having the best of both worlds—web and app—without the usual complications of app development.

Brief History and Evolution of PWAs

PWAs were introduced by Google in 2015 as a solution to improve mobile web experiences. Initially, they were designed to work well in areas with poor connectivity, especially in regions with limited mobile internet access. Today, PWAs are used by major companies worldwide, including Uber, Starbucks, and Alibaba, to deliver reliable, fast, and user-friendly digital experiences. 

Key Benefits of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Before we get into how Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) work, it’s important to understand why they’re becoming a popular choice for businesses.

PWAs offer a range of benefits:

  • Works Offline
    One of the standout features of PWAs is their ability to work even without an internet connection. Thanks to service workers, users can still browse content that was previously loaded, making it perfect for areas with poor connectivity or users who are frequently on the move.
  • Faster Load Times
    PWAs are built for speed. Since they cache content and minimize the need for constant network requests, they load almost instantly, providing a smooth and quick user experience. This not only keeps users happy but also boosts your site’s SEO rankings, as Google rewards faster sites.
  • No App Store Hassles
    Unlike native apps, PWAs can be installed directly from a browser, so there’s no need for users to visit an app store. This makes it easier for users to access your app without the extra step of downloading, and it avoids the lengthy app store approval process.
  • Push Notifications for Engagement
    Just like a native app, PWAs can send push notifications to users, helping you stay connected with them. Whether it’s sending updates, special offers, or reminders, push notifications can significantly improve user engagement and encourage users to return to your app.
  • Cost-Effective Development
    Developing a PWA is much more budget-friendly than creating separate native apps for iOS and Android. With PWAs, you only need one version that works across all devices, saving both time and money while still delivering a high-quality experience.

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s take a closer look at the key features that make Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) such a powerful tool for businesses.

Key Features of PWAs

PWAs aren’t just faster and more accessible—they come packed with features that offer a near-native app experience while maintaining the flexibility of the web. These features are what make PWAs stand out and deliver a top-notch user experience across devices.

Responsiveness and Adaptability

PWAs are built to provide a seamless user experience, regardless of the device being used. Whether on mobile, tablet, or desktop, the PWA adjusts its layout and performance to fit the screen size. This level of adaptability ensures a consistent experience across all devices. But responsiveness is just the beginning. PWAs also ensure smooth transitions between tasks, just like traditional apps.

Background Syncing and Periodic Updates

One of the most innovative features of PWAs is background synchronization. Thanks to service workers, PWAs can update content in the background, even when the app isn’t actively open. This allows the app to always present the most up-to-date information to users as soon as they access it, without requiring them to manually refresh the page or reopen the app.

This feature is particularly useful for apps that rely on real-time data, like news apps or messaging services. Forbes’ PWA, for instance, uses background syncing to update news articles and ensure that users have access to the latest headlines as soon as they come online.

Security and HTTPS

PWAs are designed with security in mind. They must be served over HTTPS to ensure secure communication between the app and users. HTTPS provides encryption that prevents attackers from intercepting sensitive information, which is especially important when handling payment details or personal data. This is a critical step because failing to use HTTPS could result in penalties from Google.

Efficient Updates and Versioning

Unlike native apps that require users to manually update through an app store, PWAs are updated automatically. Whenever a developer releases new features or bug fixes, the updates are delivered seamlessly in the background, ensuring that users always have access to the latest version of the app without needing to download anything.

This not only improves the user experience by removing the need for manual updates but also reduces the workload for developers, as they only need to maintain one version of the app.

Integration with Operating Systems

PWAs seamlessly integrate with a device’s operating system, enabling users to interact with them like any other native app. They support app-like features such as push notifications, offline access, and background syncing, all while remaining accessible from a browser.

Additionally, PWAs can leverage device hardware to create a completely immersive experience. This is particularly useful for e-commerce and service-based businesses that rely on native features for transactions or booking systems. 

Want a PWA that includes all these amazing features? Codewave can make it happen! Let’s Discuss Your Needs

Not only do PWAs offer great features and benefits, but they also require a solid technical foundation to work smoothly. To ensure your PWA performs at its best, there are some essential technical criteria that need to be in place.

Technical Baseline Criteria for PWAs

To ensure your PWA meets the required standards, several technical criteria must be fulfilled:

To ensure that your Progressive Web App (PWA) delivers a seamless experience, there are some essential technical criteria that need to be met. These key components form the backbone of a PWA, allowing it to function efficiently and provide a near-native app experience.

  1. Secure Origin and HTTPS
    Security is a top priority for PWAs, which is why they must be served over HTTPS. This ensures that all communication between the app and the user is encrypted, protecting sensitive information like personal data and payment details. It’s also a requirement for using many PWA features, as browsers block certain functionalities if HTTPS isn’t in place.
  2. Service Workers
    The ability to work offline and load quickly comes from service workers. These are background scripts that cache content, manage network requests, and enable PWAs to function even when there’s no internet connection. Service workers make it possible for users to keep interacting with your app without interruptions, whether they’re offline or experiencing spotty connectivity.
  3. Web App Manifest
    The web app manifest is a JSON file that contains metadata about your PWA. This file tells the browser how the app should behave, such as the name, icon, theme color, and how it should look when installed on a device. It’s what gives your PWA an app-like appearance and feel, making it installable from the browser, complete with an icon on the home screen.
  4. Responsive Design
    For a PWA to work smoothly across devices—whether on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop—it must be built with responsive design in mind. This ensures the layout and functionality adapt to different screen sizes, providing a consistent and enjoyable user experience no matter the device.
  5. Fast Load Time
    Speed is crucial for PWAs, and this is achieved by optimizing the app’s performance. PWAs rely on caching strategies and service workers to load content quickly, ensuring users don’t experience lag or delays. The goal is to create a fast, smooth experience that rivals native apps.

With the technical foundation in place, the next step is understanding how to bring a Progressive Web App (PWA) to life. Let’s walk through the key stages of the development process that ensure your PWA performs flawlessly and delivers the experience your users expect.

Step-by-step Guide to Progressive Web App Development

Developing a Progressive Web App (PWA) involves a series of essential steps to ensure success:

1. Planning and Defining Goals

The first step in developing a PWA is to clearly define the purpose of your app. This involves several key components:

  • Identify the Primary Goal
    Determine what problem your PWA will solve or what value it will add. For example, is the goal to improve site speed, increase user engagement, or offer offline access? Let’s say a retailer wants to allow users to browse products and add items to a cart even when they’re offline. This would shape the features and functionalities you’ll need to focus on.
  • Understand Your Target Audience
    Consider who will be using the PWA. What are their needs and expectations? If your users are primarily mobile, your app needs to be optimized for smaller screens and slower networks. User research and personas can help you understand these needs and guide your development process accordingly.
  • Choose Between Basic or Advanced PWA
    Decide whether your PWA will be basic or feature-rich. A basic PWA might focus on fast load times, responsiveness, and offline support, while an advanced PWA could include push notifications, background syncing, and native-like interactions. The scope of the project will influence the resources, time, and skills needed to complete it.
  • Scope Out Essential Features
    Outline the key features your PWA will need. In our retailer example, key features could include offline browsing, a simple cart functionality, and a lightweight checkout process. Once you’ve identified the must-have features, prioritize them based on their impact and feasibility.
  • Create a Project Roadmap
    Once the goals, audience, and features are set, it’s time to build a project roadmap. Break down each phase of the development, from design to testing and deployment. This helps in organizing the team, setting realistic deadlines, and keeping the project on track.

For a deeper dive into the initial steps needed for effective project planning, check out our blog on Key Steps to Follow in the Project Discovery Phase.

2. Building the App Shell

The app shell is the core structure of the PWA and ensures a smooth user experience, even offline. Here’s how you create it:

  • Design the Layout
    Start by building the structure of the app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The app shell should include all essential elements like the navigation bar, header, and footer. This shell will load instantly, even before the content is fetched from the network, ensuring a fast initial user experience.
  • Use Service Workers for Caching
    A service worker is crucial for caching the app shell. Write a script that instructs the service worker to cache the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files on the user’s first visit. This cached shell enables the PWA to load quickly, even when the user is offline.
  • Test the Shell
    Once the app shell is in place, test it by switching your network on and off. Ensure the app’s essential structure (header, footer, etc.) loads instantly and remains functional without internet connectivity. A lean app shell keeps the load times low, making the app feel as fast as a native app.

3. Implementing Service Workers

Service workers enable core functionalities like offline access and network request handling. Here’s how to implement them:

  • Register the Service Worker
    In your JavaScript file, register the service worker. This step connects the service worker with the app and allows it to start managing tasks like caching and responding to network requests.
  • Create Caching Strategies
    Write a script for your service worker to cache essential resources during installation. Popular strategies include:
    • Cache-first: Serve from the cache if available or fetch from the network if not.
    • Network-first: Fetch from the network first, falling back to the cache if the network is unavailable. Choose the caching strategy that best fits your app’s functionality.
  • Test Offline Capabilities
    Once the service worker is set up, test its offline performance. Turn off your network connection and see if cached content is served correctly. Ensure that the service worker handles requests efficiently and maintains smooth functionality even when the app is offline.

4. Creating a Web App Manifest

The web app manifest gives your PWA an app-like feel when installed on a user’s device. Here’s how to create it:

  • Create the Manifest File
    The manifest is a JSON file containing details like the app’s name, icons, theme colors, and display settings (e.g., full-screen or standalone mode). This file gives your PWA the appearance of a native app.
  • Link the Manifest in HTML
    Once the manifest is ready, link it in the HTML file’s <head> section. This ensures that browsers recognize the PWA as installable on a user’s device.
  • Test the Installation
    After setting up the manifest, test the PWA’s installation on different devices and browsers. Ensure that users can easily install the app directly from the browser and that the app’s icon and display mode look consistent across platforms.

5. Adding Additional Features

To enhance the PWA experience, integrate additional features that provide a more native-like functionality:

  • Push Notifications
    Implement push notifications to keep users engaged. For example, use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to send notifications about updates or promotions, keeping users connected even when they’re not actively using the app.
  • Background Sync
    Add background sync to handle updates when users are offline. This ensures that once they reconnect to the internet, any actions (like form submissions) are sent to the server without needing the user’s input.
  • Custom Splash Screen
    Design a branded splash screen that appears when the app is launched. This reinforces brand identity and creates a more cohesive, native-like experience for users.

6. Testing and Launching the PWA

Before launching your PWA, it’s essential to conduct thorough testing across different devices and network conditions:

  • Cross-Browser and Device Testing
    Test your app on all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops). Make sure it works consistently across platforms.
  • Test Offline and Slow Network Performance
    Check how your PWA behaves in offline mode and slow network conditions. Ensure that cached content is served properly and that the app remains usable without internet access.
  • Optimize for Performance
    Use tools like Google Lighthouse to audit your app’s performance, accessibility, and SEO. Optimize any areas where the app is slow to load or doesn’t meet best practices.

With Codewave by your side, you can launch your PWA with confidence, knowing that it has been thoroughly tested for performance, accessibility, and security. Explore Our Testing Services now!

Once testing is complete and the app performs as expected, deploy your PWA to a secure HTTPS environment, and ensure all users have a smooth experience.

With the development process covered, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure your PWA performs optimally and delivers a great user experience across all platforms. 

Best Practices for Progressive Web App Development

Let’s look at some key guidelines for creating a high-quality PWA.

  • Prioritize Speed and Performance
    Ensure that your PWA is fast, as performance is critical to user satisfaction. Use techniques like lazy loading, code splitting, and minification to reduce page load times. Caching static assets through service workers helps keep the app responsive, even in low network conditions.
  • Optimize for Offline Functionality
    One of the main advantages of PWAs is offline access. Make sure that the service worker is set up to cache key resources and handle offline scenarios gracefully. Test how your app behaves without a connection, ensuring it still offers essential functionality.
  • Ensure Full Cross-Browser Compatibility
    PWAs should work seamlessly across all browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. Different browsers may handle features like push notifications and background sync differently, so it’s important to test your app on all major platforms to ensure consistency.
  • Use a Mobile-First Approach
    Design your PWA with mobile users as the primary audience. Ensure the layout is responsive, adjusting to different screen sizes smoothly. This not only helps with user experience but also boosts SEO rankings, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites.
  • Optimize SEO and Discoverability
    PWAs can be indexed by search engines, so it’s crucial to optimize your PWA for SEO. Make sure to include proper meta tags, schema markup, and optimize your content to ensure high visibility. A well-optimized PWA can drive organic traffic, unlike native apps that rely on app store searches.
  • Secure Your PWA with HTTPS
    PWAs must be served over HTTPS to ensure secure communication between the app and the server. It’s essential for user trust, data protection, and for enabling advanced PWA features like service workers and push notifications.
  • Implement Web App Manifest Correctly
    Ensure the manifest file is set up properly with all required metadata, like the app name, icons, theme color, and start URL. This guarantees that when users install your app, it functions like a native app with a consistent and branded look.
  • Ensure Accessibility for All Users
    Follow best practices to make your PWA accessible to users with disabilities. Use semantic HTML, keyboard navigation, and test with tools like Google Lighthouse to improve your app’s accessibility. This ensures you reach a wider audience while improving usability.

It’s time to take a moment to know some real-life examples of PWA magic in action. These brands are not just talking the talk; they’re walking the walk, showcasing how PWAs can transform user experiences and boost engagement.

Many well-known companies have seen dramatic improvements in performance, user engagement, and conversions after adopting Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). From faster load times to increased re-engagement rates, brands like Forbes, Pinterest, and Flipkart have used PWAs to create seamless, app-like experiences for their users.

To dive deeper into real-world success stories and see how these brands have leveraged PWAs, check out our dedicated blog on Successful Examples of Progressive Web Apps.

While coming to the end of the article, we can’t leave without mentioning that some people often get confused when deciding between a Progressive Web App (PWA) and a native app, as both offer powerful features. To clear things up, let’s take a closer look at how these two options stack up in key areas like performance, installation, and user experience.

Comparison: PWAs vs. Native Apps

While both PWAs and native apps offer unique benefits, PWAs are more cost-effective to develop and maintain. PWAs are easier to discover, as they can be indexed by search engines, unlike apps that rely on app stores for visibility.

Feature/AspectProgressive Web Apps (PWAs)Native Apps
Development CostLower, single codebase for all platformsHigher, separate development for iOS and Android
InstallationInstalled directly from the browserDownloaded from app stores
UpdatesInstant updates without user interventionRequires user action to update
DiscoverabilityEasily indexed by search enginesLimited to app stores
PerformanceFast and optimized for web; offline supportHighly optimized for device performance
Device Hardware AccessLimited access to some device featuresFull access to all device capabilities
User ExperienceApp-like experience with responsive designConsistent experience tailored for the OS
MaintenanceEasier, as updates are handled server-sideRequires updates for each platform
Internet DependencyCan function offline via cachingGenerally requires an internet connection


If there’s one thing your business can’t afford to miss out on, it’s delivering the smooth, fast, and reliable experience your users expect—and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) do just that. But building a PWA isn’t just about ticking off features; it’s about crafting an experience that feels effortless, keeps your users coming back, and, most importantly, moves your business forward.

When it comes to Progressive Web App (PWA) development, we believe you deserve more than just a capable team—you deserve a partner that understands your vision and elevates it. Here’s why Codewave stands out as your top choice:

  • Over a Decade of Expertise
    With more than 10 years of experience and 400+ successful projects under our belt, we’ve honed our craft across industries. From e-commerce to finance, and everything in between, our team knows how to create PWAs that perform—whether you need lightning-fast load times, offline functionality, or seamless engagement.
  • Design Thinking Approach
    We don’t just build apps; we design experiences. At Codewave, we follow a Design Thinking approach—putting your users at the heart of the process. Our focus is on crafting solutions that meet real needs, ensuring your PWA not only functions beautifully but also creates a user experience that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Performance-Driven Development
    PWAs are all about speed and efficiency, and we’re experts at optimizing every aspect of your app. Our team applies best-in-class practices to make sure your app loads in a flash, works offline, and engages users with features like push notifications—all without compromising on security or performance.
  • Tailored Solutions for Your Business
    Every business is unique, and we treat your project as such. Our team doesn’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions—we take the time to understand your goals and tailor a custom PWA specifically to meet your business needs. From strategy to execution, we’re there every step of the way.
  • Proven Track Record of Innovation
    Our portfolio speaks for itself. We’ve worked with hundreds of clients, transforming digital experiences through innovative PWA solutions. Whether it’s reducing load times or increasing user engagement through seamless integration, we know how to get results that matter.

Don’t just keep up—get ahead! Let’s build a stunning PWA that captures your audience and drives your business forward. 

Get in touch with Codewave, and let’s make it happen!

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