Automated Testing Techniques for Embedded Software Systems

“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” 

— John Johnson

Picture fishing in a dark lake with just a flashlight. You might catch a fish, but it’s a lot harder than using a net, right? That’s exactly what manual testing for embedded software is like. It’s tough to spot all the bugs hiding in your code.

That’s where automated testing for embedded software comes in. It acts like a powerful net that scoops up all the bugs, helping your software run smoothly. In fact, 78% of successful businesses use test automation in their deployment process. It really is a game-changer!

This blog will show you different ways to automate testing for embedded software. We’ll talk about unit testing, integration testing, and system testing, and how they can help you create top-notch software.

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing is a handy software testing technique that uses specialized tools to run test cases automatically. Instead of running tests by hand, you can create automated testing scripts that mimic how users interact with your software and check its behavior. This approach really ramps up efficiency, accuracy, and test coverage.

The automated testing market is booming, with projections suggesting it will reach USD 55.2 billion by 2028 and a CAGR of 14.5%. This growth is fueled by the increasing complexity of software systems, the need to get products to market faster, and the many benefits that come with automated testing for embedded software, especially in improving software quality.

Why is Automated Testing Important?

  • Speed: Automated testing for embedded software allows you to run tests faster, which means your software development process speeds up.
  • Accuracy: By removing the human element, automated tests ensure that tests are performed consistently every single time.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Yes, setting up automated testing for embedded software requires some upfront investment, but it pays off by reducing the need for extensive manual testing down the road.
  • Reusability: You can use test scripts across different projects, making it easier to keep quality high across various software versions.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Automated testing for embedded software covers a wide range of test cases, including those tricky edge cases that manual testing might miss.
  • Continuous Integration: It works well with CI/CD pipelines, giving you instant feedback and speeding up the development process.
  • Improved Quality: With automated testing for embedded software, you catch defects earlier in the development cycle, which leads to better software products overall.

Ever feel like a hamster on a wheel, manually testing your embedded software over and over again? There’s a better way! Codewave‘s automated testing services can help you streamline your development process, catch bugs early on, and ship high-quality software faster.

Alright, now that we understand why automated testing for embedded software is a game-changer, let’s dive into the key pieces that make it all tick.

Essential Components of Automated Testing for Embedded Software Systems

Automated testing is key to ensuring your embedded software works well. Knowing the essential components can really improve how you develop your projects. Let’s take a closer look at the key parts you should focus on to boost efficiency and performance. 

Here’s what you need to keep in mind as you dive into automated testing!

1. Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration (CI) is a practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a shared repository, triggering automated testing for embedded software along with automatic builds. This process helps spot and fix integration issues early in development, preventing expensive bugs from reaching the final product.

Implementing a CI System

To set up a CI system for your embedded software projects, you’ll need:

  • Version Control System: Use Git or SVN to manage code changes.
  • CI Server: Use a dedicated server or cloud platform like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI to automate builds and tests.
  • Build Automation Tools: Tools like Make, CMake, or Bazel compile and link your code.
  • Test Automation Framework: Frameworks like Unity, CppUTest, or Google Test automate and execute your tests.

Automatically Building and Testing upon Code Changes

When a developer commits changes, the CI server:

  • Retrieves the latest code from the repository.
  • Uses build tools to compile and link the code.
  • Runs automated tests against the executable.
  • Reports the build and test results, flagging any issues

Catching Integration Issues Early

By automating the build and test process, CI with automated testing for embedded software helps catch integration issues early in the development cycle. This prevents problems from accumulating and becoming more difficult to fix later on. It also ensures that the codebase remains in a healthy state and reduces the risk of introducing regressions.

Ready to take your development up a notch? Let’s talk build automation tools!

2. Using Build Automation Tools

Build automation tools like Make or CMake simplify compiling and building embedded software by integrating automated testing for embedded software. They automatically manage dependencies, configure builds, and generate artifacts, making the entire process more efficient.

Compiling and Building the Embedded System

The build automation tools are used to:

  • Process source code: The tools parse the source code files and identify dependencies.
  • Compile source code: The compiler translates the source code into machine-readable object files.
  • Link object files: The linker combines the object files and libraries into a final executable or firmware image.

Automating Firmware Deployment to Microcontrollers

Once the firmware is built, it needs to be deployed to the target microcontroller. This can be automated using:

  • Serial communication: The firmware can be transferred over a serial connection (e.g., USB-to-serial adapter) using tools like dd or custom scripts.
  • In-circuit programming (ISP): ISP devices can be used to directly write the firmware to the microcontroller’s flash memory.
  • Debug probes: Some debug probes (e.g., J-Link, Segger) can also be used for firmware programming.

Deploying Software to Embedded Linux Systems

For embedded Linux systems, deployment involves:

  • Creating a Root Filesystem: This contains all necessary libraries, applications, and configuration files.
  • Generating a Boot Image: The root filesystem is combined with a bootloader (e.g., U-Boot, GRUB) to form a boot image.
  • Flashing the Boot Image: The boot image is then flashed onto the storage device (e.g., eMMC, SD card).

Now that we have our deployment strategies in place, let’s jump into automated testing using different frameworks.

3. Developing Automated Tests using Frameworks

Automated testing frameworks for embedded software come packed with features to streamline test development, including:

  • Test Case Management: Organizing and managing your test cases.
  • Test Execution: Automatically running tests and generating detailed reports.
  • Test Data Management: Handling the creation and organization of test data.
  • Integration with CI/CD: Seamlessly integrating with CI/CD pipelines for continuous testing.

Types of Automated Tests

There are three primary types of automated tests for embedded software:

  • Unit Tests: Focus on testing individual functions or components in isolation.
  • Integration Tests: Examine the interaction between multiple components.
  • System Tests: Assess the entire system, including both hardware and software.

Feeling like you need a whole squad of detectives to cover all your testing bases? Codewave‘s process automation services can help you design and implement a comprehensive automated testing strategy, ensuring all your unit, integration, and system tests run smoothly.

Hardware In-the-Loop (HIL) Testing

For embedded systems that interact with physical hardware, automated testing for embedded software through Hardware In-the-Loop (HIL) testing is essential. HIL testing involves replacing real hardware with simulated models and connecting them to the embedded system under test. This allows for testing in a controlled environment without the risks associated with physical hardware.

Challenges in HIL Testing for Embedded Systems

HIL testing can present challenges like:

  • Model Fidelity: Simulated models must be highly accurate to ensure realistic testing.
  • Real-time Performance: Simulations must meet the system’s real-time requirements.
  • Hardware Compatibility: The simulation environment must align with the hardware interface of the embedded system.

Hey, speaking of testing environments, let’s shift gears and dive into emulation and simulation.

4. Emulation and Simulation

Emulation and simulation provide a virtual environment for automated testing of embedded software without needing physical hardware. This approach helps catch issues early, saving time and resources while ensuring your software runs smoothly before deployment on real devices.

Utilizing Emulation or Simulation Tools

These tools create virtual versions of the target hardware, including processors, memory, and peripherals. They allow you to:

  • Run Software on a Virtual Platform: Execute embedded software on simulated hardware to spot issues early.
  • Debug Code: Step through your code, set breakpoints, and inspect variables with debugging tools.
  • Test Hardware Interactions: Simulate how your software interacts with hardware components to verify functionality.

Replicating Target Hardware Environment

Emulation and simulation aim to replicate the behavior of the actual hardware by:

  • Modeling Hardware Components: Creating virtual models of processors, memory, and peripherals.
  • Simulating Hardware Interactions: Ensuring correct interactions between hardware and software.
  • Configuring the Simulation Environment: Matching the simulation setup to the target hardware’s configuration.

Early Testing without Physical Hardware

Early testing with emulation and simulation brings several benefits:

  • Reduced Development Time: Find and fix issues early, saving costs later in the process.
  • Increased Flexibility: Easily tweak the simulation to test various configurations and scenarios.
  • Reduced Hardware Costs: Avoid the expense of hardware prototypes for testing.

Leveraging Simulation for Early Issue Detection

Simulation helps you identify issues such as:

  • Software Bugs: Detect and resolve errors before they affect physical hardware.
  • Hardware Compatibility Issues: Ensure software works well with the target hardware.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Spot and address performance issues to optimize your code.

Want to supercharge your development process and ensure flawless functionality? Codewave’s QA testing services can help you leverage simulation effectively. Our experts can guide you through the process and ensure your software is ready to hit the ground running.

So, now that you’re equipped to spot issues early through automated testing for embedded software using simulation, let’s dive into how continuous delivery can streamline your testing process.

5. Continuous Delivery (CD) for Embedded Software Testing

Continuous Delivery (CD) is essential for making your development and deployment process smoother with automated testing for embedded software. Let’s explore how to put CD into action in your workflow. By automating steps, you can ensure that your code is tested and ready for deployment faster, making your job easier and more efficient.

Implementing a CD Pipeline

A CD pipeline automates the journey from development to production through these steps:

  • Build and Test: The code is built, tested, and validated with automated tools.
  • Package: The software is packaged into a deployable format, like a firmware or container image.
  • Deploy: The packaged software is automatically sent to the target hardware.
  • Release: The software is officially released into production.

Automating Deployment to Target Hardware for Testing

CD can automate the deployment process for testing on target hardware, providing:

  • Faster Feedback: Rapid deployment means quicker testing and feedback on changes.
  • Reduced Manual Effort: Automation eliminates manual steps, reducing errors.
  • Consistent Environments: Ensures test environments mirror production, avoiding inconsistencies.

Pretty cool, right? Let’s move on and discuss how on-target and on-host testing fit into the picture.

6. On-Target and On-Host Testing for Embedded Software

On-target and on-host testing are key aspects of automated testing for embedded software. These approaches ensure your software works reliably in real-world conditions while enabling smooth integration and collaboration. 

Here’s how you can implement these methods efficiently.

On-Target Testing for Accurate Results

On-target testing runs tests directly on the target hardware, offering the most accurate results by evaluating the software in its intended environment. It is vital for:

  • Hardware-specific interactions: Ensuring that the software interacts correctly with the target hardware’s peripherals and capabilities.
  • Real-world performance: Evaluating the software’s performance under real-world conditions.
  • Timing-critical operations: Verifying that the software meets timing requirements.

On-Host Testing for Continuous Integration

On-host testing occurs on a development or build server, making it ideal for continuous integration (CI) with automated testing for embedded software due to quicker test execution and easy CI pipeline integration. However, on-host testing may not always reflect the target hardware’s environment.

Enabling Test Automation with Device Target Management

To fully automate on-target testing, a solid device target management solution is needed. This includes:

  • Device Provisioning: Managing physical devices for testing.
  • Remote Access: Allowing secure access to devices from various locations for testing.
  • Test Environment Configuration: Setting up devices with the required software for testing.
  • Test Result Analysis: Gathering and analyzing results from multiple devices.

Improving Collaboration with Remote Connectivity

Remote connectivity to target devices allows for:

  • Distributed Testing: Conducting tests from different locations using various hardware configurations.
  • Collaboration: Sharing device access with team members for testing and debugging.
  • Remote Support: Assisting users or customers experiencing issues remotely.

With these tools in place, you can also ensure seamless teamwork and support.

7. Code Review and Static Analysis

Code review and static analysis are pretty much your bread and butter for keeping automated testing for embedded software in top shape. These steps help you nip potential issues in the bud, ensuring your code’s quality is rock solid.

Let’s talk about how to make the most of them in your workflow.

Using Code Review Tools for Automated Code Reviews

Code reviews are all about taking a close look at your code to spot any potential problems and polish it up through automated testing for embedded software. Automated tools can really speed up the process by:

  • Catching Common Mistakes: Flagging syntax errors, logic slip-ups, and any style goofs.
  • Sticking to Standards: Making sure the code follows the set coding guidelines.
  • Offering Suggestions: Giving pointers to make your code easier to read and maintain.

Employing Static Analysis Tools to Identify Issues

Static analysis tools dig into your code without running it, aiding automated testing for embedded software by helping you find a whole bunch of issues, like:

  • Security Gaps: Spotting vulnerabilities like buffer overflows and cross-site scripting.
  • Performance Tweaks: Finding areas where the code could be optimized for better speed.
  • Memory Leaks: Catching memory leaks that could drain resources over time.

Now that we’ve got those tools in our kit, let’s see where the future is headed.

The world of embedded systems is constantly evolving, and with it, the role of automated testing for embedded software is getting bigger and more exciting. Let’s take a look at some of the trends that are shaping the future of testing and how they’re going to make your work a whole lot easier.

1. AI-Powered Testing

Imagine a testing process that gets smarter as you go. That’s what AI is doing for automated testing for embedded software. With AI, you can automate not just the tests themselves but the creation of test cases and bug detection too. It’s like having a smart assistant that helps you find problems before they even happen, saving you loads of time and effort.

Want to give your embedded software testing a superpower upgrade? 

Look no further than Codewave‘s AI and machine learning development services! Our team of experts can help you leverage the power of AI to streamline your testing process, improve code quality, and get your software to market faster.

2. Shift-Left Testing

Why wait until the end to test when you can start from the beginning? Shift-left testing allows for automated testing for embedded software right from the design stage. This proactive approach means you can catch issues sooner, giving you more confidence that your embedded system will work seamlessly when it’s time to go live.

3. Continuous Testing in CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous testing is becoming a key part of automated testing for embedded software. By integrating tests directly into your development pipeline, you get instant feedback on any changes you make. This keeps your testing process smooth, automated, and always up to date with the latest code changes.

4. Cloud-Based Testing

Testing in the cloud is no longer a future trend—it’s happening right now with automated testing for embedded software. With cloud-based testing, you can simulate different environments without needing physical hardware. This flexibility makes it easier to test under real-world conditions, ensuring your software is ready for anything.

Ready to ditch the hardware hassle and take your testing to the cloud? Codewave‘s infrastructure development services can help you set up a robust and scalable cloud-based testing environment.

And that brings us to wrapping things up.


Automated testing for embedded software is a game-changer for development. It’s like switching from fishing in the dark to using a powerful net—you’ll catch way more bugs, and your software will run smoother than ever.

Imagine saving time and money while creating top-notch embedded systems. That’s the magic of automated testing!

With an average ROI of 600%, automated testing is a no-brainer for any embedded software project. By leveraging CI/CD pipelines, code review tools, and the latest trends like AI-powered testing, you can ensure your embedded software is built to last.

Here at Codewave, we’re passionate about empowering developers with the best tools and techniques. If you’re looking to level up your embedded software testing, we’re here to help with automated testing for embedded software. Get in touch with us today, and let’s discuss how it can revolutionize your development process! Also read: Best Practices for Testing Software and System Architecture

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