Examples of Successful Angular Applications

Have you ever wondered what makes a web application truly exceptional? 

The answer often lies in the technology behind it. Angular, a powerful front-end framework developed by Google, has emerged as a game changer for developers looking to build high-performance web applications.

At Codewave, we know this firsthand. Angular has been our choice for numerous projects, enabling us to create interactive interfaces and comprehensive business tools. Not only has it streamlined our development process, but it has also allowed us to deliver quality applications faster.

Considering Angular for your project? You’re making a smart choice! To help solidify your decision, let’s first explore what Angular is, followed by some real-life applications that demonstrate its effectiveness. We’ll also highlight the features that make Angular a top contender for your next venture.

What is Angular (and how is it different from AngularJS)?

Angular is a modern front-end framework developed by Google, designed for building dynamic, high-performance web applications. Unlike its predecessor, AngularJS, which follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, Angular utilizes a component-based architecture. This shift promotes better modularity and reusability of code.

One of the notable improvements in Angular is its performance, thanks to features like Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation and a more efficient change detection mechanism. These enhancements lead to faster load times and a smoother user experience.

In summary, Angular offers a more streamlined and efficient approach to web development compared to AngularJS, making it a preferred choice for developers aiming to create complex applications.

Now that we know what angular is and how it’s different from AngularJS, let’s check out some popular applications built with it. These examples show how businesses use Angular to create great user experiences and efficient applications.

Let’s hop in!

Angular is currently used by about 0.3% of all websites, a testament to its versatility and effectiveness in building dynamic applications. Here are some notable examples of popular applications that leverage Angular to deliver excellent user experiences:


Gmail is a prime example of Angular’s capabilities. With over 1.8 billion users, the app offers a seamless and straightforward interface. As a single-page application (SPA), Gmail allows users to navigate through emails quickly without the hassle of page reloads.

Once loaded, users can access their emails offline, making it incredibly convenient for those on the go. This is a great reason to consider Angular for building large user-oriented applications.

Why Angular Became the Framework of Choice for Gmail

  • Single-Page Application (SPA): Angular enables efficient data rendering on the front end, enhancing the speed of email access.
  • Offline Access: Users can read recent emails without an internet connection, thanks to Angular’s caching capabilities.
  • Dynamic User Experience: The framework supports real-time updates, ensuring users have the latest information without delays.


Forbes, one of the most visited websites globally, also utilizes Angular. The framework enables responsive design and smooth content updates, attracting more than 77 million users per month in the U.S. Angular allows for a rich user experience, where content loads instantly as users scroll, making the site engaging and easy to navigate.

With Angular’s reusable codebase, Forbes performs well across devices and browsers, ensuring a consistent experience for all users.

Why Angular Became the Framework of Choice for Forbes

  • Instant Content Loading: Angular’s lazy loading feature ensures that content appears quickly as users scroll, enhancing user engagement.
  • Reusable Codebase: This allows Forbes to maintain performance across different devices and browsers.
  • Responsive Design: The framework provides a consistent experience for users, no matter how they access the site.


Upwork leverages Angular to connect freelancers and employers around the world. The platform is designed for seamless navigation and real-time updates. Angular helps Upwork maintain high performance, even under heavy traffic, allowing users to find and apply for jobs effortlessly.

Why Angular Became the Framework of Choice for Upwork

  • Seamless Navigation: Angular’s component-based structure makes it easy to implement intuitive navigation and filtering options.
  • Real-Time Updates: Users receive instant notifications and updates, ensuring they don’t miss important opportunities.
  • High Performance: Angular’s efficient handling of data allows for quick interactions, even during peak usage times.


Recognized as a comprehensive project management tool, ClickUp relies on Angular for its wide array of features and a smooth user experience. The framework facilitates easy development and maintenance of complex functionalities, real-time data synchronization, and a responsive interface, making it a favorite among teams for effective collaboration.

 Why Angular Became the Framework of Choice for ClickUp

  • Complex Feature Management: Angular simplifies the development and maintenance of intricate features across the application.
  • Real-Time Data Synchronization: This allows for effective collaboration among team members on tasks and projects.
  • Responsive User Interface: Angular’s design capabilities ensure that ClickUp functions smoothly on various devices.


Weather.com demonstrates how Angular can enhance a website’s interactivity. The site features interactive weather maps, comprehensive forecasts, and real-time alerts. Angular’s modular architecture allows independent teams to work on different aspects of the site, making development and maintenance more manageable.

Why Angular Became Weather.com Framework of Choice?

  • Interactive Features: Angular enables the integration of real-time data for weather updates and alerts.
  • Modular Development: Separate teams can work on various elements, improving collaboration and speed of updates.
  • User Engagement: The framework supports dynamic content, keeping users informed and engaged with the latest weather information.


Wikiwand aims to improve the Wikipedia experience by addressing its usability issues. Built with Angular, Wikiwand enhances readability and navigation, providing users with a cleaner, more organized layout. The result? Increased traffic and engagement on their updated platform.

Why Angular Became the Framework of Choice for Wikiwand

  • Improved Readability: Angular allows for easy segmentation of content, making it more digestible for users.
  • Enhanced Navigation: The framework supports advanced navigation features, both on web and mobile platforms.
  • Increased Engagement: The new interface has reportedly led to higher traffic and usage.


JetBlue’s website exemplifies Angular’s ability to handle high traffic efficiently. As a low-cost airline that served over 42 million passengers in 2023, the site needs to provide a smooth user experience for thousands of daily visitors. Angular plays a crucial role in maintaining the performance and reliability of their web and mobile platforms.

Why Angular Became the Framework of Choice for JetBlue

  • Dynamic Features: Angular supports seamless booking and search functionalities, making it easy for users to find the best fares.
  • Integration with Third-Party Services: The framework facilitates smooth interactions with external services for accommodations and car rentals.
  • High Performance: Angular ensures fast loading times and a responsive interface, crucial for handling high traffic during peak seasons.

Whether it’s for email management, news dissemination, or travel booking, Angular proves to be an excellent choice for developers looking to create impactful applications.

Having examined some popular applications built with Angular, it’s essential to understand the key characteristics that make Angular a standout choice for developers and contribute to its widespread success.

Angular Characteristics That Drive Success

Angular is a powerful framework known for its impressive characteristics that enhance both the development process and the user experience. Here’s a concise overview of the key features that contribute to its success:

1. Out-of-the-Box Solutions

    When you choose Angular, you’re accessing a complete toolkit of built-in solutions. Angular comes with a rich suite of tools, libraries, and extensions that eliminate the need for manual integration of third-party packages. 

    This means you can save time and effort when developing an app that needs to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) or building cross-platform mobile applications with frameworks like NativeScript.

    2. MVC Architecture

      Angular’s Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is a game-changer for managing complex applications. By separating the logic from the user interface, Angular helps you organize your code better and scale your app as it grows. 

      You can clearly define the Model (for data management), View (for user interaction), and Controller (the link between the two). This clear structure not only makes your app easier to maintain but also prepares it for future expansions.

      3. Two-Way Data Binding

        One of Angular’s standout features is its two-way data binding, automatically synchronizing data between the Model and the View. Changes in the data are instantly reflected in the user interface and vice versa. 

        This means you don’t need to write extra code to keep everything in sync, which speeds up development and ensures a smooth user experience. It’s all about making life easier for developers and users alike!

        4. Modularity

          Angular’s modular design allows you to break your app into smaller, independent modules. This not only simplifies the development process but also makes debugging a breeze.

          Each module focuses on a specific functionality, which means your team can work on different parts of the app simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes. This modularity also makes it easier to maintain and expand your app.

          5. Dependency Injection

            Angular’s built-in dependency injection system takes modularity to the next level. It lets you inject components and services wherever needed without tightly coupling them to specific application parts.

            The result? Cleaner, more maintainable code and better performance. By loading only the modules and services required at any time, Angular ensures faster load times and more efficient resource management.

            These characteristics are why Angular has become the framework for building dynamic, scalable applications. 

            If you’re planning to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) using Angular, we have the perfect resource for you! Our blog, Building a Progressive Web App with Angular, provides a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know.

            Now, let’s find out what types of applications truly benefit from Angular’s robust features. 

            Types of Applications Best Suited for Angular

            Angular is an excellent choice for a variety of applications due to its powerful features and flexibility. Here’s a brief overview of the types of applications where Angular shines:

            1. Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

            If you’re building a single-page application (SPA), Angular should be at the top of your list. This approach makes interactions quicker and smoother, ideal for apps requiring fast load times and real-time user interactions. 

            Angular’s built-in routing and data-binding features enable these apps to maintain a highly interactive interface without sacrificing performance. 

            2. Business-Focused Apps Like ERP Systems

            When developing business applications such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems or project management tools, Angular offers the structure and scalability you need. Its component-based architecture simplifies managing complex functionalities, including real-time collaboration, task management, and detailed analytics. 

            3. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

            Angular has built-in tools to optimize both online and offline functionality for progressive web applications (PWAs). Whether your app needs to cache content for offline access or manage background synchronization, Angular provides the necessary support. 

            4. E-Commerce Platforms

            E-commerce platforms rely heavily on performance, dynamic user interactions, and seamless checkout processes. Angular excels in these areas by offering two-way data binding and real-time updates, enabling functionalities such as product filtering, dynamic cart updates, and smooth user navigation. 

            5. Banking Websites

            In the financial sector, security and performance are paramount. Angular’s modular architecture and features like dependency injection enable you to build highly secure and reliable banking platforms. 

            6. Public Sector Websites

            Public sector applications demand scalability, reliability, and security. Angular meets these needs with built-in accessibility features that ensure compliance with necessary regulations, while its modular structure supports scalability and ease of maintenance. 

            Codewave serves a diverse range of industries, helping businesses harness the power of Angular to build dynamic, user-friendly applications. However, the question arises: is it possible to start your Angular journey on your own? Let’s find out!

            Step-by-Step Guide to Build an Angular App

            If you’re looking to get started with Angular development, building your first application can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Angular offers a powerful framework that streamlines the process of creating dynamic web applications, making it easier for developers to implement complex features.

            While getting started might seem daunting, there are straightforward steps you can follow to create your first Angular app. From setting up your development environment to understanding components and routing, there’s a lot to explore.

            For a detailed walkthrough on how to create your first Angular app, we have a dedicated blog titled Angular App Creation: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Your First Project. This guide is specifically designed for those who want to dive deeper into Angular development, offering step-by-step instructions and best practices to set you on the right path.

            As the saying goes, “Nothing comes perfect; there are always challenges to overcome.” This holds true for Angular as well. While it offers numerous advantages, developers often face certain challenges when working with the framework. 

            Challenges and Solutions in Angular Application Development

            Selecting Angular as your development framework offers numerous advantages, but it also comes with specific challenges that developers and businesses should consider:

            1. Steep Learning Curve

            Challenge: Angular has a complex architecture that can be daunting for new developers. Concepts such as dependency injection, RxJS, and component-based architecture require a solid understanding and can take time to master.

            Solution: To address this, organizations should invest in training resources, such as workshops and online courses, that focus on Angular fundamentals. Pairing junior developers with experienced mentors can also accelerate the learning process.

            2. Performance Overhead

            Challenge: Angular applications can suffer from performance issues, especially with large data sets. The two-way data binding feature, while useful, can lead to performance bottlenecks if not managed properly, especially in complex applications.

            Solution: Developers should implement OnPush change detection strategy and use trackBy with ngFor directives to optimize rendering. Lazy loading of modules can also significantly improve load times and performance by loading only what’s necessary.

            3. SEO Limitations

            Challenge: Angular applications, particularly those that are single-page applications (SPAs), can present challenges for search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines may have difficulty indexing dynamic content, which can affect visibility.

            Solution: Utilizing Angular Universal for server-side rendering can mitigate these SEO challenges. By pre-rendering content on the server, it ensures that search engines can effectively crawl and index the application.

            4. Heavy Initial Load

            Challenge: The initial load time of Angular applications can be significant due to the size of the framework and the JavaScript bundles. This can deter users, especially those on slower connections.

            Solution: To improve load times, developers should utilize AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation, which compiles the application at build time instead of runtime. Code splitting and optimization techniques, such as minimizing bundle sizes, can also enhance performance.

            5. Limited Support for Older Browsers

            Challenge: Angular’s reliance on modern web technologies may lead to compatibility issues with older browsers. This could restrict the user base, especially in regions where outdated technology is prevalent.

            Solution: Implementing polyfills can help support older browsers. Additionally, thorough testing across different browser versions ensures a wider reach and a better user experience for all visitors.

            Why face challenges alone when you can lean on an angular web development company? At Codewave, we understand the intricacies of Angular and the potential hurdles that come with it. Our team of Angular specialists is equipped to help you navigate these challenges effectively, ensuring your project stays on track and meets your business objectives.

            Now, let’s examine some industry standards and best practices for Angular application development so you can incorporate them into your process. 

            Insights into Industry Standards and Best Practices

            Maintaining industry standards and best practices in your Angular projects is essential for long-term success. Here are a few that you should follow:

            • Consistent Code Style: Follow the official Angular style guide’s recommendation for a consistent coding style. A uniform codebase improves collaboration among team members and makes your code easier to maintain and debug.
            • Utilizing Angular CLI: The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) is an incredibly powerful tool. It can scaffold components, generate services, and manage testing, making your development process more efficient and error-free.
            • Unit Testing and Documentation: Don’t overlook unit testing for your components and services. It ensures that your application behaves as expected and reduces the risk of bugs in the future.


            In this blog, we’ve explored the remarkable versatility of Angular as a leading framework for web application development. From high-profile applications like Gmail and Forbes to innovative platforms like Upwork and ClickUp, Angular has proven itself to be a trusted choice for developers seeking to deliver exceptional user experiences.

            If you’re considering Angular for your next project, there’s no need to navigate the complexities alone. At Codewave, our team of Angular experts is ready to partner with you, providing the guidance and support necessary to transform your vision into a reality. Let us help you build applications that not only meet your needs but also exceed your expectations. If you’re ready to leverage Angular for your project, let Codewave be your partner in success. Get in touch with us today!

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