Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Popular Frameworks

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

“The success of an app isn’t just about the idea—it’s about reaching the right audience on the right platforms.”

As a business leader, you’ve likely faced the question: Should we build for iOS or Android first? The problem is, building separate apps for each platform can double your costs and development time, without necessarily doubling your impact. 

This is where android ios cross-platform mobile app development comes into play. By choosing the right framework, you can streamline development, reduce costs, and ensure that your app reaches users on both platforms seamlessly. But with so many frameworks available, which one should you trust with your app’s future?

But before we dive into the popular frameworks, let’s take a closer look at what cross-platform development actually means and how it compares to native app development. Understanding these basics will help you decide which approach aligns best with your business goals.

What is Cross-Platform Development?

Cross-platform mobile app development refers to the practice of building a single app that can run seamlessly on multiple platforms—typically iOS and Android. Instead of creating separate apps for each operating system, developers use a single codebase that is compatible with both. This allows businesses to save time and resources while still delivering a high-quality experience across different devices.

Android iOS Cross-platform development is gaining traction because it solves a key business problem: How do you maximize reach without doubling your investment? Let’s break it down further.

Key Benefits of Cross-Platform Development:

  • Reduced Development Costs: One codebase means fewer resources spent on building, testing, and maintaining multiple apps.
  • Faster Time to Market: Since the app is built for both platforms simultaneously, you can launch it sooner.
  • Consistency Across Platforms: Ensure a uniform look and feel across iOS and Android, helping to maintain your brand’s identity.
  • Wider Audience Reach: Target users on multiple platforms without doubling your efforts.
  • Easier Maintenance and Updates: With a single codebase, rolling out updates and fixing bugs becomes more efficient.

For a deeper knowledge about the full app development process, from ideation to deployment, check out our step-by-step guide to developing a mobile application in 2024.

Native vs. Cross-Platform Development: What’s the Difference?

At this point, you might be wondering, “Why not just go native and develop separate apps for iOS and Android?” After all, native apps are known for their top-tier performance, as they’re built specifically for each platform. While that’s true, native development comes with its own set of challenges—mainly, the double workload.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Native DevelopmentCross-Platform Development
This means creating two separate apps—one for iOS and one for Android—using platform-specific languages (like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android). It guarantees optimal performance but requires two teams, two budgets, and double the time.This allows you to create a single app that works on both iOS and Android. While the performance might not match a native app in extreme cases, cross-platform frameworks have come a long way, and the difference is negligible for most business use cases.

Totally stuck on which framework to choose? Let us take the stress out of the decision! Hit up Codewave for a free consultation—we’ll break down what’s best for your app and make sure you’re set up for success. Don’t wait! Let’s get your app on the fast track.

Why Businesses Are Moving Toward Cross-Platform:

1. Cost Efficiency
With native development, you’re paying for two apps. Cross-platform development lets you cut that in half by using a single codebase.

2. Faster Time-to-Market
Speed is everything in today’s market. Cross-platform development allows you to launch on both platforms simultaneously, giving you a head start over competitors.

3. Simplified Maintenance
Imagine having to fix a bug twice—once for iOS and again for Android. With cross-platform, a single fix applies to both, making maintenance smoother and faster.

4. Performance Trade-Offs are Minimal
In the past, there was a noticeable performance gap between native and cross-platform apps. Today, frameworks like Flutter and React Native have minimized this gap significantly, making cross-platform a viable option for most businesses.

Top Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Frameworks

Now that you understand the benefits of cross-platform development, the next question is: Which framework should you choose? With several great options available, it’s essential to know what each framework brings to the table and how it aligns with your business needs. 

Let’s break down the most popular ones:

1. Flutter

Flutter, developed by Google, has quickly become one of the leading cross-platform frameworks. It’s a free and open-source UI toolkit that uses the Dart programming language to create beautiful, high-performance apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase. What makes Flutter stand out is its widget-based architecture, which allows developers to create highly customizable user interfaces with ease.

Key Features:

  • Hot Reload: Developers can make changes and see them reflected in real-time without restarting the app. This significantly speeds up development time.
  • Rich Widgets: Flutter provides a wide range of customizable widgets, enabling highly flexible designs.
  • Native-Like Performance: Flutter apps perform smoothly across platforms thanks to its direct compilation into native ARM code.
  • Wide Range of Plugins: Integration with various third-party libraries and APIs simplifies adding extra functionality.

Use Cases:

  • Google Ads: Built with Flutter, this app demonstrates the framework’s capability to handle large-scale applications with real-time data updates.
  • Reflectly: A journaling app that uses Flutter’s customizable widgets to create an engaging, personalized user interface.
Fast development with hot reloadDart is less popular, making it harder to find experienced developers
High performance with native-like UISmaller community compared to React Native
Extensive customizable widgetsRelatively new, fewer third-party libraries compared to React Native

2. React Native

React Native, developed by Facebook, is one of the most widely-used frameworks for cross-platform app development. Built on JavaScript and React, React Native allows developers to write most of their code in JavaScript while still leveraging native components. This blend of native performance with the ease of JavaScript makes it a go-to for businesses looking to scale quickly. The robust developer community and extensive library support further add to its appeal.

Key Features:

  • Reusable Components: Write once, and reuse components across iOS and Android apps, reducing duplication and effort.
  • Live Reload: Similar to Flutter, React Native supports live reload, which allows developers to immediately see the result of the latest change.
  • Strong Community Support: The vast community around React Native makes it easier to find solutions, plugins, and libraries for a wide variety of use cases.
  • Third-Party Plugins: Integration with native modules and third-party APIs provides extended functionality with minimal effort.

Use Cases:

  • Instagram: React Native powers portions of Instagram, enabling a seamless experience across different devices.
  • Airbnb: Before shifting their focus, Airbnb used React Native extensively to create uniform experiences across iOS and Android.
Large community with strong library supportPerformance can lag in complex or resource-heavy apps
Reusable components save development timeRequires native developers for platform-specific functionalities
Strong Facebook backing ensures long-term supportNative modules may require additional expertise

3. Xamarin

Xamarin is a Microsoft-backed framework that integrates deeply into the .NET ecosystem, making it ideal for enterprise-grade applications. It allows developers to build applications using C#, making it especially appealing for teams already familiar with Microsoft technologies. Xamarin stands out for enabling near-native performance while allowing for up to 90% code sharing across platforms.

Key Features:

  • Integration with .NET: Xamarin’s deep integration with the .NET ecosystem provides enhanced productivity for developers familiar with Microsoft technologies.
  • Native API Access: Xamarin allows full access to native APIs, ensuring that apps can use platform-specific features without performance bottlenecks.
  • Shared Codebase: Developers can use a single codebase to target multiple platforms, significantly cutting down on development time.
  • Robust Performance: Xamarin apps are close to native in terms of performance, thanks to its compiled execution.

Use Cases:

  • Alaska Airlines: Xamarin was used to build the airline’s mobile app, providing a seamless experience for booking and checking in.
  • Microsoft Azure: The Azure app uses Xamarin to offer cloud services access on both iOS and Android platforms.
Native modules may require additional expertiseSteep learning curve for non-Microsoft developers
High code-sharing percentage across platformsLarger app size due to embedded libraries
Access to native APIs for enhanced performanceLicensing costs for enterprises

4. Ionic

Ionic is a hybrid mobile app framework that focuses on building web-based apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It uses Apache Cordova or Capacitor to integrate native features like GPS and camera, allowing for a more native feel. Ionic is ideal for teams already comfortable with web development, as it allows them to quickly transition to mobile app development.

Key Features:

  • PWA Support: In addition to mobile apps, Ionic supports building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), making it a versatile framework.
  • Web-Based Technologies: Ionic uses standard web technologies, allowing developers to leverage their existing skills in web development for mobile projects.
  • Capacitor Integration: With Capacitor, Ionic apps can access native device functionalities easily.
  • Unified Codebase: One codebase works across all platforms, including web, iOS, and Android.

Use Cases:

  • Sworkit: A fitness app that uses Ionic to deliver its cross-platform experience, with real-time workout tracking and progress monitoring.
  • MarketWatch: Ionic was used to build the financial market app that provides up-to-date news and data across platforms.
Easy for web developers to adoptPerformance issues for resource-heavy or complex apps
Supports both mobile and web apps with one codebaseLimited access to native device functionalities
Large number of plugins availableRelies heavily on WebView, which can affect user experience

5. PhoneGap

Previously known as Apache Cordova, PhoneGap is an open-source framework that allows developers to create mobile apps using standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It works by embedding a webview within a native app and then binding the app’s functionality to the phone’s native features using plugins.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Plugin Library: PhoneGap offers a rich library of plugins that enable access to native device features like the camera, GPS, and contacts.
  • Browser-Based Development: Developers can use a browser to preview and debug apps without the need for simulators or emulators.
  • Cloud Build: PhoneGap provides a cloud-based build service that compiles apps for multiple platforms simultaneously, reducing the overhead in development.
  • Open-Source Framework: As an open-source project, it benefits from contributions from a global community of developers.

Use Cases:

  • Wikipedia: The official Wikipedia app was built using PhoneGap, demonstrating the framework’s capability to handle large-scale content-based apps.
  • HealthTap: A healthcare app that connects users with doctors for virtual consultations, built with PhoneGap to support multiple platforms.
Wide range of plugins for accessing native featuresPerformance issues in apps requiring high responsiveness or heavy computation
Easy for web developers to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptWebView-dependent, which can affect app performance
Open-source and widely supportedConsidered outdated compared to newer frameworks

6. NativeScript

NativeScript is a robust framework that allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, or Vue.js. What sets NativeScript apart is that it provides native UI elements without using WebViews, offering performance close to native apps. It also allows developers to directly access native APIs, making it highly flexible.

Key Features:

  • Direct Native API Access: Developers can access native device features (like camera, GPS) without relying on third-party plugins, allowing for deeper integration with platform-specific APIs.
  • Supports Multiple Frameworks: NativeScript offers flexibility by allowing developers to use JavaScript, Angular, or Vue.js to build apps, making it easier for teams to pick the technology they are most comfortable with.
  • Native UI without WebViews: Unlike some frameworks that use WebViews, NativeScript directly accesses native UI components, ensuring faster and smoother performance.

Use Cases:

  • Strudel: An app for managing and organizing data using NativeScript, showing the flexibility of the framework in handling complex data structures.
  • MyPedia: An educational app that delivers content across both iOS and Android, taking advantage of NativeScript’s ability to deliver native-like performance.
Direct access to native APIs without needing pluginsSmaller community compared to more established frameworks
Supports multiple popular frameworks like Angular and VueSteeper learning curve, especially for developers unfamiliar with the platform
Native UI components for better performanceSteeper learning curve, especially for developers unfamiliar with the platform

7. Appcelerator Titanium

Appcelerator Titanium is a cross-platform development framework that allows developers to build native mobile apps using JavaScript. What makes Titanium stand out is that it uses a native UI to render apps, unlike some other cross-platform frameworks that rely on web technologies. It provides access to over 5,000 APIs, allowing developers to create highly interactive apps.

Key Features:

  • Native UI Components: Titanium compiles your JavaScript code into native components, offering a near-native user experience.
  • Powerful API Access: The framework comes with access to a large number of APIs, giving developers the ability to create feature-rich apps with ease.
  • High Performance: Titanium apps are compiled into native code, which ensures that performance is almost on par with purely native apps.

Use Cases:

  • Avis: The car rental company used Titanium to create a mobile app that allows users to book cars, manage reservations, and access rental history across platforms.
  • Macy’s: The retail giant developed its mobile app using Titanium, providing users with seamless access to products and services across platforms.
Provides native UI components for optimal performanceSmaller developer community compared to React Native or Flutter
Real-time preview speeds up developmentSteeper learning curve, especially for beginners
Large API access for creating feature-rich appsMore complex API integrations compared to simpler frameworks

8. Sencha Ext JS

Sencha Ext JS is a powerful JavaScript framework that supports cross-platform mobile and web development. Originally built for web applications, it now supports mobile app development through Sencha Touch. It’s ideal for building enterprise-level apps that require rich user interfaces and extensive data management capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive UI Components: Ext JS offers over 115 pre-built UI components, including grids, forms, charts, and more, enabling developers to create highly interactive apps.
  • Data-Driven Apps: It excels in building apps that handle large datasets, making it perfect for enterprises that need to manage data-intensive operations.
  • Customizable Themes: Developers can easily apply custom themes to ensure brand consistency across platforms.
  • Built-In Testing Tools: Ext JS comes with testing tools that allow developers to write and run tests on various platforms.

Use Cases:

  • Hewlett-Packard: HP used Sencha Ext JS to build a data management app that allowed its customers to visualize and analyze large datasets.
  • American Airlines: Ext JS was utilized to develop the airline’s employee portal, providing real-time data access and management across platforms.
Excellent for building data-driven appsExpensive licensing, especially for enterprise-level use
Offers over 115 pre-built UI componentsSteep learning curve, mostly suited for experienced developers
Customizable themes and built-in testing toolsPrimarily suited for large-scale, enterprise applications

9. Kivy

Kivy is an open-source Python framework that’s designed for rapid development of cross-platform mobile apps. It focuses on providing a natural user interface for touch-based applications. Kivy is particularly suited for building game apps and apps that need to leverage multi-touch functionalities.

Key Features:

  • Multitouch Support: Kivy’s unique selling point is its built-in support for multitouch gestures, making it ideal for building interactive apps and games.
  • Customizable Widgets: Kivy includes a set of highly customizable widgets that allow developers to design interactive UIs without much effort.
  • Cross-Platform Flexibility: While focused on mobile, Kivy can also run on desktops and other platforms, making it versatile for various types of app development.

Use Cases:

  • Phyks’ Planner: A cross-platform mobile app built using Kivy to help users manage and plan tasks across multiple devices.
  • Memory Game: A simple educational app developed with Kivy to enhance users’ memory skills, showcasing its multitouch capabilities.
Excellent multitouch support for interactive appsNot ideal for high-performance or complex apps
Easy to customize with pre-built widgetsSmaller developer community
Runs on multiple platforms, including desktopLimited to Python developers, which can restrict the talent pool

10. Corona SDK (Solar2D)

Previously known as Corona SDK, Solar2D is a cross-platform framework focused on building 2D games and apps. It uses Lua, a lightweight scripting language, and is particularly popular in the gaming industry due to its high performance and easy learning curve. Solar2D provides over 500 APIs for creating dynamic apps, including support for Box2D physics engine for game development.

Key Features:

  • Fast Iteration: Solar2D’s hot reload functionality allows developers to make changes and instantly see the results, which speeds up the development process.
  • Built-in Game Engine: The framework includes robust support for 2D physics, making it ideal for game developers who need advanced physics simulation.
  • Wide Plugin Support: Solar2D offers a wide range of plugins, making it easy to integrate third-party services like analytics, ads, and in-app purchases.

Use Cases:

  • Fun Run: A multiplayer game that showcases Solar2D’s powerful 2D rendering and real-time multiplayer capabilities.
  • Zipline Valley: A popular physics-based puzzle game built using Solar2D, leveraging its Box2D physics engine for realistic gameplay.
Fast iteration with hot reload, ideal for 2D gamesLimited to 2D apps, not suitable for complex 3D apps
Built-in physics engine for game developmentLua is a less popular language, limiting available developer expertise
Lightweight and efficient, suitable for quick development cyclesPrimarily suited for game development, less versatile for other app types

How to Choose the Right Cross-Platform Framework

With so many android iOS cross platform development frameworks available, selecting the right one for your project can feel overwhelming. Each framework has its strengths, and the best choice depends on various factors, including your app’s requirements, the development team’s skillset, budget, and long-term goals.

1. Understand Your App’s Requirements

Every app is different, and understanding the specific needs of your project is the first step in choosing the right framework.

  • Does your app need high-performance graphics or animations? Frameworks like Flutter or NativeScript may be better suited due to their near-native performance.
  • Is your app data-heavy or enterprise-focused? Consider Xamarin or Sencha Ext JS for their robust data management and enterprise capabilities.
  • Are you building a game or a simple 2D app? Solar 2D could be the perfect fit with its lightweight build and built-in game development features.

2. Evaluate the Development Team’s Expertise

Your team’s familiarity with the technology is crucial. If your team is proficient in JavaScript, React Native or Ionic would be easier to adopt, allowing for faster development. If your developers are comfortable with C# and .NET, Xamarin might be the ideal choice.

Key Considerations:

  • JavaScript developers: Consider React Native, Ionic, or PhoneGap.
  • Microsoft/.NET developers: Xamarin integrates seamlessly with existing Microsoft technologies.
  • Web development experience: Ionic or PhoneGap offers easier transitions from web to mobile development.

3. Consider Long-Term Scalability

If your app is expected to grow over time, choosing a framework that can scale with it is critical.

  • React Native is known for its large community and scalability, making it a great option for long-term projects.
  • Flutter offers flexibility and performance that can handle both simple and complex apps, making it future-proof.
  • Xamarin is a great choice for enterprises that plan to expand their apps across more complex business functionalities.

4. Assess the Performance Needs

For performance-critical apps that require fast load times and smooth transitions, certain frameworks perform better than others.

  • Flutter and NativeScript offer native-like performance, thanks to direct access to device features.
  • React Native is great for apps with moderate performance needs, but for performance-intensive apps, Flutter may be a better choice.

5. Evaluate UX/UI Customization Needs

Some frameworks are more flexible than others when it comes to UI/UX design.

  • Flutter is ideal if you need highly customizable, pixel-perfect designs, as it comes with a rich set of pre-built widgets.
  • React Native also allows for customizable UIs, though it may require additional native development for highly complex designs.
  • Ionic and PhoneGap rely on WebViews, which can limit customization and performance compared to other options.

Great user experiences start with the right design process. Explore our 10-step UX design guide to craft intuitive, user-friendly apps.

6. Check for Available Plugins and Third-Party Libraries

Third-party libraries and plugins can greatly speed up development and add powerful features without reinventing the wheel.

  • React Native boasts one of the largest ecosystems of third-party libraries and plugins, making it easy to integrate advanced functionalities.
  • Flutter has a growing number of plugins but is still catching up to React Native.
  • Xamarin and Ionic also offer a wide range of plugins that can access native device features.

7. Budget and Time Constraints

Budget and timelines often play a crucial role in framework selection.

  • React Native and Flutter offer rapid development and cost-saving opportunities, making them ideal for businesses working with tighter budgets and deadlines.
  • Ionic is an excellent option for smaller budgets, especially for apps that also require a web presence.
  • Xamarin may have higher upfront costs due to licensing fees for enterprises, but its seamless integration with Microsoft technologies may offset costs in the long run.

8. Consider Maintenance and Future Updates

If you’re looking for a framework that makes app updates easier, consider:

  • Flutter and React Native both offer hot reload and fast iteration cycles, making them easy to maintain.
  • Xamarin allows for seamless updates across platforms, which is essential for enterprise-level apps.
  • PhoneGap may pose challenges in maintaining performance and compatibility with the latest OS versions.

Choosing the right framework is only half the battle. The true success of your cross-platform app lies in how well it’s executed. Whether you opt for Flutter, React Native, or any other framework, you need a development partner who understands the nuances of each technology and can align it with your business goals.

At Codewave, we bring over a decade of experience in mobile app development, with a proven track record of building high-performance cross-platform apps. We focus on delivering cost-effective, scalable solutions that allow you to launch on both iOS and Android without sacrificing performance or user experience.

Here’s why businesses trust Codewave:

  • Design Thinking Approach: We use Design Thinking to ensure that user experience is at the heart of every cross-platform app we build. This allows us to create apps that are intuitive, engaging, and perfectly aligned with user needs.
  • Tailored Solutions: We carefully select the right framework based on your unique business needs, ensuring optimal performance and faster time-to-market.
  • Expertise Across Multiple Frameworks: Our team has deep expertise in all leading cross-platform frameworks, enabling us to recommend the best option for your project.
  • Over a Decade of Experience: With more than 10 years in the industry, we bring a wealth of knowledge and insights that help us deliver robust, scalable apps for businesses of all sizes.
  • End-to-End Support: From ideation to deployment, we handle every aspect of the app development process, so you can focus on growing your business.

“A successful app isn’t about choosing the trendiest framework; it’s about picking the one that best serves your business goals across all platforms.”

Wondering how your app can reach more users and scale faster? Let’s talk and see how we can bring your vision to life with the right cross-platform solution—before your competitors do.

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