Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Mobile Application in 2024

The future is mobile,” they say, and it’s more relevant now than ever. With 95.9% of global internet users accessing the web via mobile devices, developing a mobile application is no longer optional—it’s essential to stand out.

So, what’s driving you to develop an app? Perhaps you want to:

  • Connect better with your customers
  • Make your business run smoother
  • Reach a wider audience
  • Offer something unique
  • Build up your brand
  • Turn your idea into a profit

In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey from the very beginning of your app idea to the exciting moment when you finally launch it. We’ll cover everything you need to know, step by step. So, let’s jump in!

Why Do You Need a Mobile App?

You’re out and about, maybe waiting for a bus or enjoying a coffee, and you decide to buy something from your favorite online store. You pull out your phone and try to visit their website, but it’s slow, clunky, and hard to use on your small screen. Frustrated, you give up and switch to a competitor’s app instead.

Sound familiar? This happens to a lot of people. In today’s world, where everyone is on their phones, having a well-designed mobile app isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must.

Why a Mobile App?

  • Mobile Dominance: Nowadays, everyone’s glued to their phones more than their computers. With 54.42% of website traffic coming from mobile devices, your store can be right on their screens, making it super easy to shop and connect with your brand anytime, anywhere.
  • Improved Search Engine Ranking: Mobile-friendly sites and apps are essential for ranking well in search engines. Having both can boost your online visibility and give you a leg up on the competition.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Mobile apps make shopping a breeze with personalized push notifications, saved carts, and fast checkouts. With reaction rates soaring by up to 400%, these features not only boost your sales but also keep customers coming back for more.
  • Boosted Brand Recognition: A well-crafted app strengthens your brand’s presence and makes it unforgettable. When your app and website share consistent branding, it creates a seamless and memorable customer experience.
  • Increased Customer Loyalty: Did you know 70% of people feel loyal to at least one brand? A great mobile app can build on that loyalty. By offering exclusive features or rewards, you’ll turn occasional buyers into devoted fans who keep coming back.
  • Competitive Advantage: Want a real edge? Just a 5% boost in customer retention can grow profits by over 25%. A top-notch mobile app with unique features and a fantastic user experience helps you draw in more customers and keep them engaged longer.

Ready to learn more about how to create a mobile app that stands out? Let’s dive in!

Create a Mobile App That Stands Out

With 88% of mobile time spent on apps, making your app a hit is essential. But how can you make sure yours stands out? 

Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Get Your App Idea on Paper

Before jumping into the technical aspects of developing a mobile application, take a moment to jot down your app idea. This simple step is key because it will shape the entire development process. A solid plan from the start sets your app up for long-term success.

Here are a few tips to help you brainstorm:

Know What Your App Does

Clearly define what your app is supposed to do. This helps you stay focused and ensures you’re building something that meets specific needs.

Set Clear Goals

Begin with market research to understand what users want. Define your app’s main features, and ask yourself questions like: What problem does it solve? Who’s going to use it? These answers will guide your development.

Need a hand with crafting your app vision? Codewave’s new product development services can guide you through every step, from concept to launch!

Analyze Your Target Audience and Competitors

Identify who will use your app and check out similar apps already in the market. Did you know that 65% of high-performing apps have a well-researched user base and competitive strategy? This step is crucial.

Plan Monetization Strategies
How will your app generate revenue? Consider various options like in-app purchases or ads. For example, many successful apps use in-app purchases to drive higher revenue compared to those relying only on ads. Choose the strategy that aligns best with your app’s goals and audience.

Design Planning
Design plays a crucial role in your app’s success. A poorly designed app can turn users away. To ensure a positive impression, create a mockup to visualize the app’s look and functionality. Aim for an attractive and user-friendly design to make a great first impression.

Understand UI and UX
UI (User Interface) focuses on the visual design of your app, while UX (User Experience) concerns how users interact with it. Prioritize improving UX to keep users engaged and ensure the app is both visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Don’t just make it pretty; make it easy to use!  

Great UI is like eye candy, but UX is what keeps users coming back for more. Codewave‘s UI/UX design services can create an app that’s both beautiful and a joy to use!

With your app idea clearly outlined, it’s time to see how it fits in the market.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

A well-researched app idea is like a sturdy foundation for a successful mobile application.

So, before you start developing a mobile application, make sure it’s a good fit for the market. By understanding your target audience and analyzing the competition, you can increase your chances of creating a successful app.

Here are some key methods for conducting market research:

  • Surveys: Create surveys to gather feedback from potential users about their needs, preferences, and willingness to pay for your app.
  • Interviews: Conduct interviews with individuals in your target market to gain deeper insights into their thoughts and opinions.
  • Focus groups: Organize focus groups to gather feedback from a group of people who represent your target audience.

By conducting market research, you can:

Validate Your App Idea

Make sure there’s a real need for your app before diving in. According to a study, 42% of new businesses fail because there’s no need for their products. Do some research to find out if people would actually use your app.

Analyze Your Competition and Market Potential

See what other apps are doing. Find out where your app can be different. With mobile app spending expected to reach over $2 trillion between 2021 and 2030, it’s clear that there is a huge opportunity for successful apps. By analyzing your competition and the market potential, you can identify gaps in the market and create an app that stands out from the crowd.

Once you have a good understanding of your competition, you can start assessing the market potential for developing a mobile application. This includes factors such as:

  • Market size: How big is the market for your app?
  • Growth rate: Is the market growing or shrinking?
  • Customer demand: Is there a demand for your app?
  • Barriers to entry: Are there any barriers to entry that could make it difficult for you to compete?

Make sure you’re not solving a problem nobody has!  

A quick market check can save you a lot of time. Need help with validation and branding? Codewave’s branding services can guide you!

Now that you’ve validated your idea and assessed the market, it’s time to decide on your app’s features.

Step 3: Decide Your App Features

When developing a mobile application, it’s important to focus on the core functionalities that are essential to your app’s purpose. Avoid adding unnecessary features that can increase development costs and timelines.

The average American uses their phone over 96 times a day or once every ten minutes. That’s a lot of opportunities for your app to be used! So, focus on the most important features that make your app useful. 

Examples of common app features:

  • Push notifications: Alert users to important updates or events.
  • GPS capabilities: Enable location-based features, such as maps, directions, and check-ins.
  • E-commerce carts: Allow users to add products to their cart and complete purchases.
  • Social media integration: Connect with users’ social media accounts for sharing and authentication.
  • In-app messaging: Enable users to communicate with each other or with your business.
  • Offline functionality: Allow users to access certain features even when they are not connected to the internet.
  • Data synchronization: Allow users to sync data across multiple devices.
  • Gamification: Incorporate game elements, such as points, badges, or leaderboards, to increase user engagement.
  • Payment processing: Enable users to make payments within the app.

With your key features set, the next step is to bring your app to life with wireframes and prototypes.

Step 4: Create Wireframes and Prototypes

Once you have a clear understanding of your app’s features and functionality, it’s time to start visualizing its design. Wireframes and prototypes are essential tools in the mobile application development process, bringing your app’s concept to life and ensuring it meets the needs of your users.


  • Develop rough layouts of your app: Create simple sketches or diagrams that show the basic structure and layout of your app’s screens.
  • Focus on functionality: Wireframes should prioritize the app’s functionality and user flow, rather than visual design.
  • Iterate and refine: Use feedback from stakeholders and potential users to iterate on your wireframes and make improvements.

User Journeys and Interactions

  • Map out user journeys: Visualize how users will interact with your app from start to finish. With 90% of users having stopped using an app due to poor performance, mapping user journeys ensures you address these issues early on. 
  • Define interactions: Determine how users will interact with different elements of your app, such as buttons, menus, and forms.

Mockups and Style Guides

  • Create mockups: Develop more detailed visual representations of your app’s screens, including colors, typography, and imagery. Investing in UX design is highly beneficial, with every $1 invested yielding a return of $100, reflecting an ROI of 9,900%, as shown in recent industry research.
  • Develop a style guide: Define the visual elements that will be used throughout your app, such as fonts, colors, and icons. This will ensure a consistent and cohesive look and feel.


  • Simulate user experience: Create interactive prototypes that allow you to test your app’s functionality and user flow.
  • Detect design and functionality mishaps: Prototyping catches design flaws early. Testing with just five users can uncover 85% of usability issues, helping you avoid expensive fixes down the line.
  • Gather feedback: Get feedback from stakeholders and potential users to refine your app’s design and improve the user experience.

With your wireframes and prototypes in place, it’s time to decide on the best development method for your app.

Step 5: Choose Your Development Method

With a solid app idea and a well-defined design, it’s time to choose the mobile application development method that best suits your needs, budget, and timeline. There are several options to consider, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Development Methods

  • Native apps: Developed using platform-specific programming languages (Swift for iOS, Kotlin/Java for Android). These apps offer the best performance and access to device features but can be more expensive and time-consuming to develop.
  • Hybrid apps: Developed using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and wrapped in a native container. Hybrid apps are less expensive and faster to develop but may have performance limitations.
  • RAD (Rapid Application Development): A methodology that emphasizes rapid prototyping and iterative development. RAD can be a good option for smaller projects with tight deadlines.
  • Cookie-cutter app builders: Online platforms that allow you to create apps without coding. These platforms are typically easy to use but may be limited in terms of customization and functionality.

When choosing a development method, consider the following factors:

  • Budget: How much are you willing to spend on development?
  • Skill level: Do you have the necessary skills to develop your app in-house, or will you need to hire a developer or agency?
  • Timeline: How quickly do you need your app to be ready?
  • Features and complexity: How complex is your app? Will it require advanced features or integrations?

Development Options

  • Develop your own app: This gives you complete control over your app’s development but requires in-house expertise or hiring a development team.
  • Hire an agency or freelancer: This can be a cost-effective option, but it’s important to choose a reputable agency or freelancer with experience in mobile app development.
  • Use an app builder: This is a good option for those with limited technical skills, but it may be limited in terms of customization and functionality.

Here’s a comparison between Native, PWA, and Hybrid:

Development TimeLongMediumMedium
User ExperienceBestGoodGood
Offline FunctionalityYesYesYes
Best ForOptimal performance, user experienceCross-platform functionalityBalance of cost and performance

Now that you’ve chosen your development method, it’s time to test your app thoroughly before launching.

Step 6: Test Your App Thoroughly Before Launch

Before you launch your mobile app, you need to test it thoroughly to make sure everything works perfectly for your users. Here’s a fun fact: top-performing teams actually spend 22% less time fixing issues. That’s how important it is to get your app right during the development process. 

Proper testing can make a huge difference, helping you avoid negative reviews and ensuring your app’s success.

Checklist for Testing

When testing your app, make sure to cover these critical aspects:

  • Speed: Ensure your app loads quickly and performs efficiently under various conditions.
  • Connectivity: Test how your app behaves with different network speeds and offline modes.
  • Functionality: Verify that all features work as intended, with no glitches.
  • Design: Check for consistency in design elements across different devices.
  • Navigation: Ensure smooth and intuitive navigation throughout the app.
  • Security: Test for vulnerabilities to protect user data.

Stress test your app without getting stressed! Manual testing takes time. 

Codewave’s Mobile Application Testing tools and services can streamline the process and ensure your app is bug-free across all devices!

You can also check out tools like Appium, Selenium, and TestComplete to automate and streamline your testing, saving time and ensuring thorough coverage. And don’t forget to test your app on various devices and simulators to guarantee compatibility with different screen sizes, operating systems, and hardware.

With your app thoroughly tested, it’s time to move on to submitting and publishing it.

Step 7: Submit and Publish Your App

After you’ve thoroughly tested your app and sorted out any issues, it’s time to get it into the app stores. While submitting to Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store follows a similar process, there are some important differences. Knowing these can make a big difference in the success of your mobile application development.

Publishing Process Overview

You’ll need to create a developer account with Apple or Google to submit your app.

  • Apple’s App Store: For Apple’s App Store, go to App Store Connect to submit your app. Upload your app, add screenshots, and fill out descriptions. Review can take days to weeks, so check the strict guidelines carefully before you submit.

Learn the ropes and avoid any hiccups with our guide: Getting Started with Your First iOS App Development Tutorial.

  • Google Play Store: Use the Google Play Console to submit your app. You’ll upload it, set pricing, and complete the required details. Google usually reviews apps within a few days, though times can vary.

Applause! Your app is polished and ready for the world. Head over to Codewave’s Android Development services to learn all the submission secrets!

Developer Accounts and Submission Guidelines

  • Developer Accounts: To submit your app, you need a developer account. Apple charges $99 per year, while Google has a one-time fee of $25. Make sure to follow each platform’s guidelines to avoid any hiccups.
  • Submission Guidelines: Adhere to the specific guidelines for content, functionality, and design set by Apple and Google. This ensures a smoother review process and helps get your app approved faster.

Publishing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs don’t go through app stores. Instead, you publish them on the web with a URL. Make sure your PWA meets web performance and usability standards for a great user experience.

With your app live, the next step is to focus on improving and updating it regularly.

Step 8: Improve and Update Your App Continuously

Once your app is published, your work isn’t over. To keep your users happy and make your app successful, you need to keep track of what they think, update your app regularly, and offer great support. 

Remember, 32% of customers stop using a brand after just one bad experience. By keeping your app up-to-date and helping your users when they need it, you can prevent this from happening.

Monitoring Feedback and App KPIs

  • Pay attention to user reviews: Monitor app store reviews and social media comments to identify areas for improvement.
  • Track app KPIs: Use analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as downloads, active users, and user engagement.
  • Gather user feedback: Conduct surveys or interviews to get direct feedback from your users.

Handling App Updates in Stores and Advantages of PWAs:

  • Submit updates to app stores: Follow the guidelines for submitting app updates to the App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Consider PWAs: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be updated automatically without requiring users to download a new version from the app store. This can improve user engagement and retention.

Support and Performance Monitoring:

  • Provide excellent customer support: Respond to user inquiries and issues promptly. 
  • Keep your app fresh: Regularly update your app with new features, content, and bug fixes.
  • Engage users with new content: Release new content, such as blog posts, articles, or videos, to keep users coming back.
  • Optimize app performance: Make changes to your app to improve its performance and user experience. Tools like Firebase and New Relic can help you monitor app performance and address issues swiftly.

With your app launched and actively improved, it’s time to wrap up with key takeaways.

Building an app is like putting together a puzzle. Let’s break down the process step-by-step.

How Long Will It Take to Build Your App?

Wondering how much time it takes to bring your app idea to life? Here’s a simple guide to what each stage involves and how long it might take:

  1. Planning and Ideation

First things first: you need to figure out what your app will do, who it’s for, and what features it should have. This step usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks. Spend this time wisely—good planning now means fewer headaches later.

  1. Design

Next up is designing your app. This involves creating wireframes, prototypes, and the final look and feel. Expect this phase to last about 4 to 6 weeks. A well-designed app not only looks great but is also easier for users to navigate.

  1. Development

This is where the magic happens—coding your app’s front-end and back-end. This stage can take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks. If your app has a lot of complex features, it might take a bit longer, but hang in there; it’s worth it.

  1. Testing

Before your app goes live, it needs to be thoroughly tested to catch any bugs or issues. This step generally takes 2 to 4 weeks. Testing makes sure your app works smoothly on different devices and operating systems.

  1. Launch and Deployment

Now it’s time to launch your app! This includes submitting it to app stores and making any final tweaks. This phase usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks. The exact time can vary depending on how long app stores take to approve your app.

  1. Ongoing Maintenance

After launch, you’ll need to keep an eye on your app to fix any issues and update it as needed. This is an ongoing task with no set end date, but it’s crucial for keeping your app running smoothly and users happy.

Overall, building an app can take between 4 to 6 months. The exact timeline will depend on how complex your app is and how smoothly everything goes. By understanding these stages and managing your time well, you’ll be on your way to launching a successful app.

The world of app development is always evolving, and staying updated on the latest trends can give your app a serious boost. 

Let’s dive into what’s coming next:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Let’s say your app getting smarter over time. That’s what AI and ML can do. They help apps learn from how people use them, making your app more intuitive and useful. Think chatbots that actually understand you and personalized recommendations that hit the mark.

5G Technology 

5G is set to revolutionize app performance. With this super-fast connectivity, your app will load in the blink of an eye, stream smoothly, and interact in real-time without delays. It’s a big win for everything from gaming to video calls.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) 

AR and VR are making apps way more interactive. Picture trying on clothes virtually or stepping into a 3D world in a game. These technologies make experiences richer and more engaging, giving users something really special.

IoT Integration 

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects smart devices, and apps that tap into this network can do cool things like control your home’s lights or track your fitness. It’s all about making your life more connected and convenient.

Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain isn’t just for crypto anymore. It’s being used in apps to boost security, ensure transparency, and protect user data. It’s a great way to make your app more reliable and trustworthy.

Wearable Technology 

Smartwatches and fitness trackers are becoming a big deal. Apps for these devices will give you quick insights and handy notifications, helping you stay on top of your health and daily activities.

Voice and Gesture Control

Think about controlling your app with just your voice or hand movements. That’s what’s happening with voice and gesture controls. It’s all about making interactions more natural and hands-free.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) 

PWAs combine the best features of web and mobile apps. They work offline, load quickly, and offer a smooth experience across different devices. They’re perfect for reaching users without needing separate apps for each platform.

Enhanced Security 

With growing cyber threats, keeping your app secure is crucial. Expect to see more focus on encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular updates to keep user data safe and your app secure.


Green tech is on the rise. Developing apps with sustainability in mind means focusing on energy efficiency and reducing digital waste. It’s all about making a positive impact on the environment while delivering great user experiences.


You’ve taken a significant step towards building your mobile application. The mobile app market is booming, projected to reach a staggering US$591.62 billion by 2031 – that’s a massive opportunity for your business! 

Your app is the new business card—it’s the first impression customers get of your brand. By following a clear plan, staying updated on trends, and focusing on what users need, you can create an app that truly stands out. This approach is key when developing a mobile application to capture a share of this booming market.

Got an app idea? Let us help you bring it to life! 

Codewave is a dynamic team of experts specializing in digital innovation, from cutting-edge mobile applications to strategic branding and design solutions. We focus on transforming ideas into impactful, user-centered products for businesses of all sizes.

Visit our website to learn more about our mobile application development services!

Also worth reading: Fundamentals of Creating Your First Mobile App for Android 


1. How long does developing a mobile application take?

The timeline for developing a mobile application can vary based on complexity. Generally, a basic app might take 3-6 months, while a more complex app can take up to a year. Factors like features, design, and testing impact the development time.

2. What are the costs associated with developing a mobile application?

Costs depend on your app’s complexity and the development team’s location. Simple apps may start at $10,000, while more advanced apps can exceed $100,000. Developing a mobile application involves costs for design, development, testing, and maintenance.

3. How do I choose between native, hybrid, and PWA for my app?

Native apps offer the best performance and user experience but are costlier. Hybrid apps balance cost and performance, while PWAs are cost-effective and easily accessible via web browsers. Your choice should align with your project’s goals and budget.

4. What should I consider before launching my app?

Before launching, make sure to thoroughly test your app to catch any bugs, review user feedback, and prepare for ongoing support. Monitoring performance and user engagement after developing a mobile application is crucial for continued success.

5. How can I ensure my app remains relevant after launch?

Regular updates and adding new features keep your app engaging. Monitor user feedback and performance metrics to address any issues promptly. Developing a mobile application is an ongoing process of improvement and adaptation.

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