IT Consulting

IT Consulting

IT Consulting Is Your Enterprise Embracing the New in the Now? Navigate Complexities, Drive Growth with OmniChannel CX, AI Strategy, and Modern Architecture! We’re living in a fast moving world of expressions and interactions. As the pressure to innovate, adapt, and…

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Android App

Android App Development-1

Android App Development Build delightful, sticky Android apps, people love using Build delightful, valuable android apps now 3x faster and at 30% lower costs. We’re Codewave, an award winning Android app development company obsessed with creating delightful, engaging, sticky apps. Here’s…

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Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development Your business is unique, so should your software. Let’s build a customized solution for your business needs. Build ‘lean’ custom software with those 20% features that will have 80% impact. Most software is bloated with features you don’t…

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Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud/Edge Infrastructure Worried if your infrastructure can handle sudden spikes in demand or unexpected threats? Get cloud infrastructure provisioned and managed, for higher availability, performance & resilience. Welcome to Codewave’s ‘Cloud/Edge Infrastructure’ services—where we review your digital enterprise infrastructure needs and…

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Automation Testing

Automation Testing Feeling the heat of tight release schedules and go-live tension? Automate all of your testing before launch, and do releases minus the drama. Welcome to Codewave’s ‘Automation Testing’ services—we got your back. We ensure your business can make frequent,…

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Gen AI

GenAI Development

GenAI Development Want to do ‘something’ with GenAI, but not sure what exactly? Inject GenAI into your workflows to make your business fast, responsive & agile. Welcome to Codewave’s ‘GenAI Development’ services—where we find problems worth solving with GenAI such as…

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Web App / Portal Development

Web App/Portal/Site Development Want to run your business online 24/7, but not sure where to start? Get Web apps & portals developed 3X faster and at 30% lower costs, with no compromise on quality. Welcome to Codewave’s Web App Development services—where…

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Idea to Product

New Product Development Have a brilliant product idea, but not sure if it’ll work? Go from Idea to Prototype to Product, with User validation at each stage. Welcome to Codewave’s Design Thinking Led Product Development—a transformative journey from idea to product….

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Brand Identity & Brand Moat Want to build a brand your consumers will crave? A brand they’ll love, a brand they’ll fight for? Your brand is your moat; your story, your strategy. Craft a memorable brand that rules hearts. Welcome to…

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Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Have an app idea, but not sure where to start? Get Android & iOS apps developed 3X faster and at 30% lower costs, with no compromise on quality. Welcome to Codewave’s Mobile App Development services—where we build apps…

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